
Tuesday, December 6

Welcome to the Holidays:

To all those waiting patiently for this next post, I apologize that it's taken sometime to get it done...over a month, I can't believe how fast time flies! I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was a blast. John, Jack, Deb and I headed up to NW Montana where we feasted at Lisa and Willy's house with their boys, Loch and Logan, and Jeneille and Josh with their girls, Julia and Addy. Jack loved playing with his cousins and hanging out with all of his aunts and uncles. We got to play in some snow and ran off to Black Friday for a little bit to hit up some good deals. Here are some fun photos from the past two weeks....

And now to start pulling out the Christmas decorations!!!


lauren jean allece said...

I thought that first photo of little boy was the cutest thing I'd ever seen, then I saw the little cousins (seriously, Julia and Addy have got to be the sweetest little girls ever) and THEN I saw that last one of baby face asleep on your chest and my heart just burst! Can I please come visit now? I'll bring wine and make you dinner!

Miss you mama!

Brigette Olmos-Arreola said...

love the shot of the little ones running in the snow, so fun!

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