
Friday, October 14

Naptime is for Babies

One the best times of the day are the minutes right before Jack takes his nap. He gets really hyper and happy. He giggles and squirms and loves playing the hide and seek game under the covers. We play for about 20 min then he gets really grumpy. I pop a warm bottle of milk in his mouth and in about 5 min I have a sound asleep baby for the next two hours....or at least the next 10-15 minutes. There are advantages and disadvantages to sleeping with the little guy. I love feeling him curl into my side and listen to his soft little snore. I place my cheek on top of his head where his soft baby fuzz tickles my nose. I start to dose off and this is where the not so fun part comes in. Jack likes to reach out and feel to make sure you're still there. Well he's still getting the whole reaching out part down it's more likely I'll get poked in the eye punched in the nose or slapped on the lips. It's ok though, knowing that all he wants is for me to be close makes it all worth it.


lauren jean allece said...

Those photos are amazing... I can't wait to see him again someday and kiss his little face and play peekaboo with him! And I love seeing (reading) how much you love him - someday he'll be able to look back on this blog and know how loved he is (as if there would be any doubt, haha)!

Brigette Olmos-Arreola said...

so so sweet!!! love the one with his tongue out!

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