
Thursday, November 10

Winter Slumber

The days of summer have left us. Winter's cold air has settled on our homes and is planning on staying for a while. Montana got it's first snow fall of the season, around four inches. An exciting event for a girl who hasn't seen snow on the ground since her younger days, living in Virginia. With the temperature outside dropping, we are staying more indoors, taking more naps and drinking lots of hot coco. It's so much fun making it from scratch, and the colder it is outside the better it taste, especially combined with a down comforter wrapped around you like a burrito. Jack has a growing personality and noise vocabulare of a wildabeast (I'm guessing they make lots of funny noises). I wonder about the things he would say if he could talk. Though soon enough that day will come and I'll miss the days of bibble babble. One of the funniest and cutest thing Jack does is laugh in his sleep. Just a little giggle or a huh huh, a smile and then he's back to a soft snore. I wonder what he's dreaming about. I wonder alot of things about him that only time will reveal the answers to my questions. Until then sweet dreams Jack.

Saturday, November 5


Ha Ha, so the other day Jack had his first taste of rice cereal, yumm mmm. I don't think it was what he was expecting, at first but then, I think he liked it in the end....he still took some cute photos.

Wednesday, November 2


Well, we made it through our first Halloween together. I decided to make Jack's costume which was a 2 hour project that turned into a 15 hour project. But he looks adorable dressed up as Max from "Where the wild things are". We tricker treated over at grandmas house and took some photos. Then it started to rain so we decided to snuggle into our warm house and watch a movie. I'm sure next year he'll want to be the next big super hero or sponge bob square pants, and next year there will probably be candy wrappers scattered all over the floor and Jack will be running around the house with a sugar high....Oh I can't wait.

With Halloween behind us I look forward to the snowy peaks of Montana, an over stuffed belly from Thanksgiving and seeing Jack open his first christmas presents.